September 27th, 2008
Still on a high from our previous game drive, we decided to go on another. This time we went to Cape Vidal, about 35 km from St. Lucia and this time we had an agenda – to see a Rhino. We started much earlier and were some of the first people through the gates. It was a rainy day and as we paid our entry fee we asked the park ranger if we were likely to see a Rhino. He told us that finding a Rhino on a rainy day was like trying to find something in a dark room. Karel, always optimistic, was determined and announced that we would lap around the park until we saw one.
On our first lap around the park we saw some Sykes monkeys, Vervet monkeys, zebras, warthogs, bush pigs, reed bok, bush bok, water bok, and red duiker but no rhino. After stopping for lunch we began our search again. We lapped around the perfect ground for rhino, well we thought if we were rhinos it would be perfect, but again no rhino. We did see some heron, which were amazing, but they didn’t have horns, so it really wasn’t the same. Feeling a bit discouraged, we got back onto the main road heading for an alternate route. Noticing a line up of cars we slowed down. There they were. Five of them. We parked and watched as they munched on greens and moseyed across the road. The oldest mammal on land. We captured him on film, about five hundred times (you know Karel). Beautiful. But that’s not all. As we were heading home we saw another one. Only in Africa.
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