November 3rd, 2008
“The best place to see whales from land in the world” our travel guide proudly said of this town so we decided it was a must see. As we arrived in town and drove beside the ocean, we clearly saw a whale poking his head out of the water about 30 metres away in a cliffed area. We rushed to park, jumped out of the car only to find the whale must have jumped back into the ocean. We could see other whales about a hundred metres away, blowing water. We walked along the path to move closer to them. Then we sat and watched. During our time in Hermanus we saw whales lifting their heads out of the water so they can see what is around them, whales breeching in and out of the water (taking as much energy to breech once as humans use in two days), and blowing water. It’s so lovely to hear the crash of the waves, smell the salt in the ocean, and see whales.
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