March 4th, 2009
Filling the car with much needed diesel from our trusty jerry cans after leaving the park we felt proud of our foresight. Karel was just finishing and took out the jerry cans, however nozzle had become too comfortable and decided a life just inside the petrol tank pipe was much nicer than his life inside a plastic bag in a spares box. Attempting to remove it with all sorts of kitchen utensils, knifes, forks, you name it and an assortment of tools, we were at a loss. The next town we were due to be in had a garage so we decided to enquire as to what to do. Advice given by a toothless mechanic (yes, seriously) was to just leave it, it wouldn’t do any harm. We were fine with that, but when we went to fill up at a fuel station the attendant was unable to get the nozzle properly down the tank. He could fill up but not without a massively annoying beeping of the tank warning that something wasn’t quite kosher. This wasn’t on. We had to remove it somehow. Karel came up with a plan. Fashioning a tool from a braai/carving fork and some tape, he began to work. Five minutes later and Operation Nessie was a success!
1 comment:
Reminds me of trying to fill a Combi Synchro in Mozam from jerry-cans one night. It was getting too dark to see and we were sploshing petrol all down, well, everything.
Sadly, no-one on the whole trip had brought a torch.
One chap had the bright idea of shedding light on the operation by holding up a Zippo lighter above the funnel so we could see if we were sploshing more than was required.
I'm still here to tell the tale...
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