February 14, 2009
We departed from Cape Town eventually on the 15th of February slightly behind schedule due to a quick stopover in London for me to attend my British Citizenship ceremony, a comfortable stay with friends – Emile and Alinda, quick drinks on a Friday leading to staying overnight with Piet and Mia, and a final Saturday stop at an internet café with me bent on completing the blog. The completion of the blog left us both slightly dazed due to its intensity. We hit the road with a vengeance. Travelling along the R301 we stopped to take a quick photo. Reaching for the camera and buzzing with excitement we discovered that in our haste we unfortunately left the camera in the internet café on Long Street. We reversed and retraced our steps. Karel driving and me trying to find a phone number in hopes of hearing from an employee whether or not the camera was in fact there. Calling every directory assistance number we knew, we achieved nothing. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t necessarily the directory assistances’ fault, we weren’t sure of the name of the internet café so were vaguely asking for the number of any internet café on Long Street and apparently none are listed. I decided on a long shot to get the number for Mama Africa, a touristy restaurant on Long Street although having never been there the name stood out as memorable. I called Mama and spoke with a waiter there and just asked if he knew the name of the internet café down the road because I had left something behind. When asked what, I unsurely said a camera. He told me he would check if anything was left behind, and to just call him back in ten minutes. Calling back, he said yes, there was a camera there and I just needed to pick it up. Racing back we happily collected our camera and couldn’t believe our luck. Incredible. We still can’t believe it. We heart Cape Town.
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